Our intention is not to promote any one particular software, on this course, we look at the steps needed to create a rich, interactive or data driven prototype starting from sketching and paper prototyping to low fidelity prototyping and all the way through to high.
We’ll churn through Axure and also discuss the pro’s and con’s of developing the same prototype in the front-end instead by looking at CSS toolkits such as Getuikit.
We also offer an optional surgery at the end of the course.
One in five people have accessibility needs.
This course explains the various accessibility needs and explains how integrating particular design and engineering practices into existing workflows can take you most if not all of the way to addressing those needs.
Using real world examples we explain how addressing accessibility needs can actually improve experience for every customer.
We also offer an optional surgery at the end the course.
In this course we go through the wide variety of journey representations that a designer or researcher can adopt.
From UML driven process diagrams and user journeys generated via business analysis to insight driven service design maps and cross-channel experience maps.
We’ll look at what to use when and how to evolve them of the course of time and what kind of representation is good enough for the task at hand.
We also offer an optional surgery at the end of the course.
For some, guerrilla testing is a quick way to get limited feedback on a product for others it’s just the quickest way to check the research tick box.
In any case, the limitations of guerrilla testing must be mitigated if it is to be used as a serious, initial guide for your teams. In this course, we highlight the principles, pro’s and con’s of guerrilla teasing and which principles and best practices shouldn’t be compromised, and when guerrilla testing can be the optimal solutions as part as lean processes such as Google Sprints.
We’ll also highlight some good and bad examples of guerrilla testing.
We also offer an optional surgery at the end the course.